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Dr Geraci Patient List



Name: Anthony P Geraci

Phone #: 212-555-1234

Next appointment: 10:30 am Monday, 5/17/2008


Change in Headache frequency: -20%

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Patient's Current Headache Medications (updated on 4/10/2008):
Topamax Imitrex Propanolol
Time on Trigger Trakker: 4 months, 17 days Time since last visit: 2 months, 20 days
Compliance with Trigger Trakker: 92%
    Since last
office visit:
Since last
medication change:
Change in Headache frequency: -20% -30% -30%
Change in Headache severity: -45% -60% -60%
Change in Headache duration: +4% -10% -10%
Food triggers:
Cheese Garlic power Cambells Chicken Noodel Soup
Beta Cryptoxanthine Snickers bar Wine
McDonalds Big Mac Domino Pizza Tuna fish canned in oil
Notes (updated on 4/10/2008):

Etiam vitae orci. Sed bibendum. Donec faucibus, tristique nonummy, Sed ut massa. Nam varius justo in urna. Donec tincidunt ante ut leo. Donec mollis lacus aliquet est. Nulla quis ligula. Praesent ipsum. Mauris scelerisque ullamcorper leo. Donec faucibus, tristique nonummy,

Name: John Q Public

Phone #: 212-555-1234

Next appointment: 10:30 am Monday, 3/17/2008


Change in Headache frequency: +20%

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Patient's Current Headache Medications
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
Time on Trigger Trakker: 1 year, 3 months, 6 days
Time since last visit: 3 months, 17 days
Compliance with Trigger Trakker: 15 days with 35 food entries
Change in Headache frequency: 10% Change in Headache severity: 7% Change in Headache duration: 4%
Since last office visit: 10% Since last office visit: 7% Since last office visit: 4%
Since last medication change: 10% Since last medication change: 7% Since last medication change: 4%
Food triggers:
Cheese5% Milk2% Potato10% Chicken10% Cand bar10%
Wine5% Beer2% Carrots10% Tuna fish10%
Change in Headache with food trigger avoidance diet
Cheese-5 Milk+10 Potato-2 Chicken-2 Cand bar+4
Wine-7 Beer-1 Carrots+3 Tuna fish+8

Etiam vitae orci. Sed bibendum. Donec faucibus, sem sit amet tristique nonummy, Sed ut massa. Nam varius justo in urna. Donec tincidunt ante ut leo. Donec mollis lacus aliquet est. Nulla quis ligula. Praesent ipsum. Mauris scelerisque ullamcorper leo.

Name: John Q Public

Phone #: 212-555-1234

Next appointment: 10:30 am Monday, 3/17/2008


Change in Headache frequency: -5%

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Patient's Current Headache Medications
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
Time on Trigger Trakker: 1 year, 3 months, 6 days
Time since last visit: 3 months, 17 days
Compliance with Trigger Trakker: 15 days with 35 food entries
Change in Headache frequency: 10% Change in Headache severity: 7% Change in Headache duration: 4%
Since last office visit: 10% Since last office visit: 7% Since last office visit: 4%
Since last medication change: 10% Since last medication change: 7% Since last medication change: 4%
Food triggers:
Cheese5% Milk2% Potato10% Chicken10% Cand bar10%
Wine5% Beer2% Carrots10% Tuna fish10%
Change in Headache with food trigger avoidance diet
Cheese-5 Milk+10 Potato-2 Chicken-2 Cand bar+4
Wine-7 Beer-1 Carrots+3 Tuna fish+8

Etiam vitae orci. Sed bibendum. Donec faucibus, sem sit amet tristique nonummy, Sed ut massa. Nam varius justo in urna. Donec tincidunt ante ut leo. Donec mollis lacus aliquet est. Nulla quis ligula. Praesent ipsum. Mauris scelerisque ullamcorper leo.

Name: John Q Public

Phone #: 212-555-1234

Next appointment: 10:30 am Monday, 3/17/2008


Change in Headache frequency: +20%

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Patient's Current Headache Medications
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
Time on Trigger Trakker: 1 year, 3 months, 6 days
Time since last visit: 3 months, 17 days
Compliance with Trigger Trakker: 15 days with 35 food entries
Change in Headache frequency: 10% Change in Headache severity: 7% Change in Headache duration: 4%
Since last office visit: 10% Since last office visit: 7% Since last office visit: 4%
Since last medication change: 10% Since last medication change: 7% Since last medication change: 4%
Food triggers:
Cheese5% Milk2% Potato10% Chicken10% Cand bar10%
Wine5% Beer2% Carrots10% Tuna fish10%
Change in Headache with food trigger avoidance diet
Cheese-5 Milk+10 Potato-2 Chicken-2 Cand bar+4
Wine-7 Beer-1 Carrots+3 Tuna fish+8

Etiam vitae orci. Sed bibendum. Donec faucibus, sem sit amet tristique nonummy, Sed ut massa. Nam varius justo in urna. Donec tincidunt ante ut leo. Donec mollis lacus aliquet est. Nulla quis ligula. Praesent ipsum. Mauris scelerisque ullamcorper leo.

Name: John Q Public

Phone #: 212-555-1234

Next appointment: 10:30 am Monday, 3/17/2008


Change in Headache frequency: -20%

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Patient's Current Headache Medications
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
Time on Trigger Trakker: 1 year, 3 months, 6 days
Time since last visit: 3 months, 17 days
Compliance with Trigger Trakker: 15 days with 35 food entries
Change in Headache frequency: 10% Change in Headache severity: 7% Change in Headache duration: 4%
Since last office visit: 10% Since last office visit: 7% Since last office visit: 4%
Since last medication change: 10% Since last medication change: 7% Since last medication change: 4%
Food triggers:
Cheese5% Milk2% Potato10% Chicken10% Cand bar10%
Wine5% Beer2% Carrots10% Tuna fish10%
Change in Headache with food trigger avoidance diet
Cheese-5 Milk+10 Potato-2 Chicken-2 Cand bar+4
Wine-7 Beer-1 Carrots+3 Tuna fish+8

Etiam vitae orci. Sed bibendum. Donec faucibus, sem sit amet tristique nonummy, Sed ut massa. Nam varius justo in urna. Donec tincidunt ante ut leo. Donec mollis lacus aliquet est. Nulla quis ligula. Praesent ipsum. Mauris scelerisque ullamcorper leo.

Name: John Q Public

Phone #: 212-555-1234

Next appointment: 10:30 am Monday, 3/17/2008


Change in Headache frequency: +20%

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Patient's Current Headache Medications
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
name of a drug name of a drug name of a drug
Time on Trigger Trakker: 1 year, 3 months, 6 days
Time since last visit: 3 months, 17 days
Compliance with Trigger Trakker: 15 days with 35 food entries
Change in Headache frequency: 10% Change in Headache severity: 7% Change in Headache duration: 4%
Since last office visit: 10% Since last office visit: 7% Since last office visit: 4%
Since last medication change: 10% Since last medication change: 7% Since last medication change: 4%
Food triggers:
Cheese5% Milk2% Potato10% Chicken10% Cand bar10%
Wine5% Beer2% Carrots10% Tuna fish10%
Change in Headache with food trigger avoidance diet
Cheese-5 Milk+10 Potato-2 Chicken-2 Cand bar+4
Wine-7 Beer-1 Carrots+3 Tuna fish+8

Etiam vitae orci. Sed bibendum. Donec faucibus, sem sit amet tristique nonummy, Sed ut massa. Nam varius justo in urna. Donec tincidunt ante ut leo. Donec mollis lacus aliquet est. Nulla quis ligula. Praesent ipsum. Mauris scelerisque ullamcorper leo.

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